Being a parent

I spent time with her today. Not a lot as I was diving in meetings the moment we came home. But then we played with a balloon, and we both were so happy. And we made some postcards.

This is what works. Having time to spend with her. Really pay attention and enjoy. It’s not always enjoyable. But it is when I forget about all the other things I could have been doing instead of playing with my kid.

Seriously, one thing that works for me is having fewer obligations and things that I need to do in a day. Having enough time for her without depriving myself of the time for me. And I need both. When I have alone time, i am a better parent.

Humble background of life

I want to talk about the habit of things. This is different from the habit of shopping — one can just hope and work on not letting it become an addiction. Wherever this comes from — a sense of insecurity, and clinging on to things things things, a thought that owning more things makes one happier, the competition for having the best stuff, everywhere.

Here, I mean something different: the habit of having certain things around, as opposed to experimenting and looking for new. I think this requires some gentle treatment, and a balance.

I love seeing people who are happy in their clothes — and I guess, in their skin, too. They might not own the best, generally (as if there is such a thing), but they have what’s good for them, and they are happy because they get to not admire their stuff, but actually use it. This is something that I felt distinctly when looking at a young woman on the street today. Could as well be my imagination, but she looked super comfortable in her simple clothes, and that added bonus points to her stylish look, even though she wasn’t wearing anything particularly trendy, or bright, and while being pretty, wasn’t astounding-looking.

I’m talking not only about clothes, of course, but of all the things that we use, in our daily lives. I don’t know, computers. If MacBooks work for me, I don’t think I’d try other ones. In a completely different price category, if one skincare brand works for me, how adventurous would I be going through many other products? Occasionally, maybe, depending on what my mood or interest in skincare is… But also I find it comforting to know my basics, and not breaking my brains in daily choices when I want a fallback. A lot has been said about decision fatigue and ego depletion that we face when we make a lot of micro-choices throughout the day. (This has been somewhat debunked, by the way, but we can believe whatever we want to believe.)

I’m sitting here, having a moment of appreciation for things that just work.

For me, an example of “good enough” are Moleskine notebooks. I know there are other and better writing pads to write on, but these just work, they do what I need them to do, and they are quite decent. The only decision I can make is whether I want the standard black cover, or something else, like a limited edition, or a fabric one. I went through about thirty of them in over a decade, and they’re there.

Water bottles, bags, backpacks, comfortable go-to shoes, pens, pants… Things that work, things that let us think about anything else, and stay humbly in the background, at the same time defining the tempo of our day, or our mood, or our sense of the habitual. The gentle everyday support strings of our life.

Run with your ideas

When you feel that you have stumbled onto something new, an idea for a project, or for a writing (also can be called a project), an activity — any idea at all that you would like to pursue… don’t wait. Get on to it as soon as you can, and give it the intensity that it deserves.

I find the more time I give myself to “ponder” on something without doing, the more the enthusiasm fades. A lot of things don’t get the chance they could have had.

Windows on the world

How cool is this site? WindowSwap.

“Open a new window somewhere in the world” says the text on the homepage — and that’s all WindowSwap does. Shows you a different view, from someone’s window. You can also share your window, a 10-minute horizontal video that will be randomly opened by strangers from all over the world.

A welcoming, fresh site that is so simple at its core that of course it has to exist! When we don’t travel as much, or at all, it’s refreshing to be able to see a view from someone else’s window, in a different part of the world. Not all views are scenic, but even a backyard with neighboring houses is pleasant to the eyes that are sore from seeing the sameness of the lockdown view every day. Nothing big, nothing important, just a little site with windows to the big world.

I found myself having it open for quite a long time and using it while “thinking and staring out the window”. It feels like trying on someone else’s day for a few minutes, with the weather and possibilities that the outside provides, with the mood and the space of what’s in front of the window. Like traveling, this is a chance to get away from your own life for a bit. Not because you hate your life, but simply because it’s interesting. It makes you wonder about all of the other possibilities that will never fit into one life, but that you can have samples of. As plain and straightforward as a view from the window, it gives you a chance to glimpse into Portugal one minute, Australia the next, and Romania after that. (These are the places that I viewed from my browser window in the past quarter of an hour.)