The formula above is very simple, and can be read in two ways:
Physical is more than mental.
Physical leads to mental.
Both readings are true, although my pretentious intellectual self wants to argue the first one. Even when you’re not your best physically, with the power of your highly developed mind, you can make yourself feel better. But the reality is, so often, our emotional and mental states are the result of our physical state and brain chemistry. What we eat, how we sleep, whether we are physically active. Without the physical resources, there is way less for our powerful brains to work with.
And the change in the physical state regulates so much of the mental capacities.
That’s right, I have just exercised. A very brief workout, even though I am not feeling too well, physically.
A momentary realization: I don’t have to wait to be fully healthy and rested to do some exercising. Not stressing myself too much, but doing only what feels right, even a ten-minute timeframe to move my body works wonders and feeds me with endorphins. I don’t have to wait for a perfect weather to go for a run. Weather is rarely perfect for runs, until you’re already running. And there’s absolutely no waiting for the ideal mental state to do some physical activity. Physical > Mental. If I manage to remember it, I’ll be fine.